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Why are the arts looked down upon?

All my life, I was told that pursuing arts would end me up in a small corner room in the middle of nowhere, and I constantly wondered why this was. Why is art not as respected compared to other professions?

After all, art is ingrained into our everyday lives, appearing in TV shows, advertisements, automobiles, websites, and graffiti...These things are fundamental to our lives and make us appreciate the environment we live in. 

Although many people believe people in the arts gain little income, they are by no means starving. 

In a survey consisting of 100,000 graduated art students, 90% expressed their satisfaction with their college experience. This high satisfaction rate is attributed to the abundant number of artists who find desired careers. 

On the other hand, those who claimed more traditionally approval-gaining degrees found that they may never pursue jobs using the skills they studied years to master. 

Our society has a weird tendency to equate success with simple materialistic income or social approval when it may be that although an individual has secured a job, they may not be happy as they were pushed to select their profession. 

Sometimes I also think that people feel artists and those in the art profession are cheating and simply having fun while others sit in an office all day tapping away at a screen. Because of this, it may be that they want to feel their efforts are recognized and better rewarded(it their chosen occupations are not of their own volition) than those who retain jobs they chose out of passion.

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