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What is inspiration and why do we need it?

If you’re a person who likes to go on Youtube and scroll through the videos, you might have come across one of these inspirational videos. These videos contain quotes from movies and all kinds of cool pictures you could possibly find on the internet. And of course, some of these videos can be helpful for someone who’s looking for instant inspiration. However, these inspirations don’t last long, and after a few minutes, one might feel even more burned out than one did before watching the video. So these are not the right inspiration that people need. 

In order to get the right inspiration, we need to know what inspiration is. The dictionary definition of inspiration is “the process of being mentally simulated”. So from the definition, we can already know that good inspiration is a strong and long-lasting inspiration. This might sound obvious, but this directly connects to the second part that I will discuss, which is the reason why we need these long-term inspirations in our lives.

There has been lots and lots of research about inspirations recently. One of them is “The scientific study of inspiration in the creative process: challenges and opportunities”, a study by Victoria Oleynick and four of her teammates. In this study, they observed how inspirations can boost creativity and increase happiness. Although this research was done in a short-term model, the conclusion tells us that we can imply the same with our long-term lives. 

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