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How to make the 'small actions' matter

Even as a Gen Z myself, I must admit we are pretty infamous for a lot of things. Broken humor, media-addicts, and countless more adjectives to describe perhaps the adverse effects of our very virtually connected era. However, one thing I can proudly affirm is that as a generation characterized by the epitome of ubiquitous social media, we seem to care and discuss about global issues more than any of the past generations.

The problem I want to talk about is that our thinking process usually only halts at that aggressive talk with our peers, that single click to “raise awareness”, and never really carrying out the actions.

This applies especially for the crisis of global warming. There is no secret magic to suddenly make the earth greener, but there is certainly a better approach we can take in order to make our small actions matter. The biggest flaw in most campaigns is consistency. As an attempt to overcome this, my friends and I recently started an instagram account recording our daily "beasting" of our meals, in other words, leaving no food waste.

The point is that we do this together on a daily basis, consistently. I do not think that we are reminded enough of the power of consistency. Instead of reaching out to some big non-profit organization, try building a consistent, eco-friendly habit with your friends.

As teenagers, it is easy to be distracted with the desire of achievement and scale. When the world around you pressures you to 'change the world', we all need a reminder of the power of consistency in small habits.

Trust in the strength of habits, trust in the power of consistency. That is the approach we should consider taking to make our actions matter.

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