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How Facebook is getting away with murder

Whenever a company creates a new drug, it is mandatory under the the legal system to carry out certain procedures to ensure its safety for the public. As for AI, due to its ever-fluctuating nature, there is no such requirement of testing nor even a fixed standard to be tested upon.

Adversities of such privilege in the field are already proven by Silicon Valley’s latest quite provocative technology, generative AI, which has produced deep fake porn images — even one of my biggest pop star, Taylor Swift.

The victims range from celebrities to teenagers, that have lost their lives through the consequential trials of cyberbullying and self-harm. The site for such thousands of murder cases is Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook.

Technology is advancing at a pace that is difficult to keep up. However, before it rushes ahead of us too far, the Congress must promptly establish a law to regulate platforms like Facebook from allowing harmful or illegal contents to reach the eyes of millions. Firstly, a basic form of testing should be established. Then a law must exist to make lethal, deep fakes firmly ‘illegal’.

At this current point, there is no legal charges against Facebook for the deaths of the victims. We must put the lives of the users, before the company’s shallow dignity.

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